Aircon Servicing in Tanglin

Aircon Servicing in Tanglin

The Scottish Taste and Commercial Areas in the city Tanglin, Singapore

There are many places throughout the world which are worth visiting and best to be explored. These places are usually cities or towns. Every country consists of different cities thus the overall development of a country is dependent on the growth of these cities. Singapore is a very famous small country in Asia. This is one of the destinations which are known throughout the world for the different culture they represent. This country is slightly smaller in area, and therefore it has many small cities and towns. These areas were found centuries back and had been witnessing a lot of change since then. These changes have been leading the countries towards development.

The Tanglin City

 Located to the west of Singapore River and Newton Orchard River Valley, Tanglin is one of the planning areas located within the central regions of the country. This is a city with the population of 19,650 lying to the south of Novena and the east of Bukit Timah. This place possesses a Scottish aroma in the lifestyles and names of people and places. This city is able to accommodate and cater to the needs of many people from all over the world and the native places of the country.

The ‘city name’ Tanglin arrived from the house of William Napier. It was due to the Tanglin road which led to Napier’s house which was constructed in 1854 and was named Tang Leng. This was named after a Chinese name which means “the great east hill peaks”. This name was in reference to the few hilly areas at the place. Therefore these aspects tend to hold a special place in the history of Tanglin city. We do provide the aircon servicing in Tanglin and nearby areas.

This place is known to have the existence of the Scottish people in its history. These were the ones to come here after the Chinese and start their spice plantation. They brought with them the new techniques and built up bungalows and many villas on different hills. There is a two storey pre-war Tanglin Post Office which stands at the Nassim Hill and the corner of the Tanglin Road. This acted as the landmark for the place. This building further became an office cum delivery base in the year 1974. There have been many more changes in the place since the time it was found and named.

The Phase of Changes

There were appropriate changes with the moving time and changing requirements. However, the development phase in the Tanglin city is known to start from the year 2006. This was the time when the SLA, the land authority of the country to increase the features near the Dempsey Road. This was done so that more population could live in there. And since then the city was able to develop with the emergence of numerous commercial areas in the towns nearby. Therefore these places have been able to attract more people towards them.

Throughout their journey to compete on a global level, the cities in Singapore have known to increase the standard of their native people. These have led the country to stand up to other powers in the world and prosper globally.

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